Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Nothing like Mummy's Touch

My beautiful boy is teething and has a head cold.
The poor thing has been running a fever for the last two days, the panadol does not work, the teething gel only last for a little while and the vaporiser can only do so much.

My poor son keeps waking up, 2am, 4am, 6am and then did not sleep very much today. He is so exhausted but cannot rest his poor little head, I lay him done with his bottle to go to sleep.

30 minutes of sleep and he is awaking screaming, the pain he is going through and is not much more that I can do. A cool flannel to his head, more teething gel on his gums, give him some water to cool him down.
No it does not work, he is still screaming and it seems to be getting worse, he only lets Daddy hold him for a few before he reaches out for me, his Mummy.

Back on the scene I hold my child, and I look down and calm his crying, I sit us down in the breast feeding chair and lay us back and rock us with care, slowly he calms and snuggles in close, he listens to my heartbeat beating so slow, he calms to my beat, he stops his crying, I hum to him his bedtime rhyme, I hum and hum and stroke his hair, and finally the temperature comes down, he is not so hot anymore, my love, my calmness, my care has relaxed him and comforted him and now he can sleep!
He stays in my arms for thirty minutes, until I know his off to sleep dreaming of so many wonderful things, his little snores reassure and I lay my baby in his bed and wish him sweet dreams for the night ahead.

I love you Bryce, Goodnight. If you wake, I will do it all again, my love for you will never end.