Friday, January 20, 2012

Here I am again friend.
Sorry it's been a while.
For if I counted every time I wanted to write to you, you would have many letters.

It's somewhat due to laziness and somewhat due to life.

My friend it has been so long and there is so much to say.

So I will do my very best to say just what I want to say.

I'm getting married my friend. A long time into the game. But not all is fair in love my friend. Sometimes I feel insane. Although I can't imagine a life without my love. He drives me up the wall. But in the end I love him more and more.

It's tough sometimes my friend. I do not want to be a pain but I need to tell someone. For all the face value and heresay, no one actually knows. Sometimes I'm judged as a witch sometimes he is judge as an ass. But no one really knows. Sometimes not even I. You take the good, you take the kind, you take the bad and all that rhyme.

Other news you say.
Well actually a lot has happened.

I realised the potential of some people and not all was good. I lost a few friends...not death... in other ways not so good.

I made a few too.

Life is strange in ways and what it dishes out.

Bryce my boy he is very cute. I love him more and more. I hope I'm everything just as he is to me. He smiles and laughs and breaks my heart when he topples over. But when he hugs me and calls Mama I feel so unique, no other love can ever compare to the joy I gain from him. And every day I learn something new and it's all because of him.

Family you say... oh really... okay fair enough! Not all is bad just sometimes annoying but understandably. I hope they are happy and content but it is something I don't really ask and of course they know I care for them.

My friend I have so many dreams I want to come true this year. I want to put things in place for a wonderful and fabulous year. I want so much in life and to enjoy it's fruits and rewards. I want to be something amazing and be amazing for someone else, I'm one person but if we all think like that maybe we can change the world! What can I do for other people. Be there, be a friend, listen and share, donate and care. There is so much out there!!!

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