Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How my life has changed over the last 18months!

Okay, so I know it's been a while and so much has happened. So I'm going to do a quick brief on what had happen in the last 18 months.

Robbie my high school sweet heart and I who had broken up for 6 months in 2008 got back together towards the end of that year, my aim now was for us to buy a house.

In March 2009 Robbie and I bought our very first home, 4 bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, double garage, big back yard in prime location near shops, schools, gym's and blah blah blah. You know the deal.

One night we watched 'Marley and Me', awesome movie if you haven't watched it already, so this inspired us to get a doggy, so by Easter we had our Blue Heeler pup we called 'Angus'. What a cute little thing he was as well. Still cute but much bigger now. Also we have a black and white cat 'Minx', she belongs to my Dad but he rents and most places don't allow animals and I couldn't bear for her to go to the RSPCA when I have a huge heart and a home for her. So convinced Robbie and that's how we came about the pets in our family.

I was working with Children and Adults with disabilities for a while and whilst I loved the work it is highly demanding physically and mentally. Which really wasn't the problem it was that I wasn't getting the hours and I needed the mula being that we just took out a huge home loan!! SO then I got that job as a drinks stewardess at a certain place I care not to mention but bitched about in my first blog.

As you know I fell pregnant and my first trimester was a hard one with work and morning sickness and let me just say now, quitting that job was the best thing I did. After that I got through the first trimester and found another job just casually working as a sales assistant at a clothing store, nothing strenuous just a cruzy job to make a little dosh and get me out of the house.

Robbie and I had our 19 week scan at the end of January he really wanted to know the sex of the baby but I didn't so of course we didn't find out, but even if we wanted too, turns out our little bliss of happiness had had it's weetbix that day and wouldn't sit still long enough to check out it's bits anyway!!

In February Robbie and I went away on our final holiday just being a couple. We went to Bali, which was to be honest dirty and smelly, great for a cheap holiday and cheap massages. But given on going their or Phuket I go to Phuket again, a lot nicer and the people I think are nicer in Thailand. More value for your buck in Bali but, in the end it's all cheap compared to here.

After that the months started to fly by, I had my prenatal Pilate's and my aqua natal aerobics and my work so I was a busy little bee, then my nesting set in and I was go go go! My Doc said time to slow down, but I was like nah it's all good.

We got to 34 weeks, I just got home after my aqua natal aerobics and I was feeling some pain and after my shower I thought I was in labour so off to the hospital we went. Now they monitored me and said I wasn't having contractions but I was dilated so they kept me in over night just in case. No baby came that night nor did it came for another 4 weeks.

So I'm 38 weeks pregnant and having the worst reflux and heart burn, so I get induced. 5 1/2 hours later and 18 minutes of determined pushing I give birth to a healthy beautiful....

We called him Bryce.

Bryce weighed in at 7 pounds 6 ounces. Gorgeous little things, I cried from my overwhelming happiness, I have never experienced such a high before and I can honestly say I never seem Robbie so happy and proud before.

Bryce is my life now, I can't believe how much I love this little person, every thing he does makes me proud from his spew to his poo.

I look in the mirror now and I don't see myself, or someone lost, I see Bryce's mum, the person who is going to care for him his entire life and carry him on my shoulders. I love every moment with him, sometimes I barely sleep just because I want to watch him sleep.

He is my pride and joy, nothing can ever compare to that feeling of giving birth, nothing can scare me out of doing it all of again because it is just so worth it when you get to hold you baby for the very first time.

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