Wednesday, August 25, 2010


It's amazing what you become proud of when your a parent!

Quick honey he did a poo, or a spew or he just did a whooping burp!

Ah yes the proud moments, it's not because we're weird and fantasise about it, it's because this is a huge thing for our little ones. Everything is new to them, so if they don't have their poo, spew or belch then they're in pain and that makes us in pain too, because everything they're feeling we need to do our best to feel it too.

So words of encouragement, well done, such a big boy, good boy, gee so much like daddy hehe and so on and so forth.

But there are the other kind of proud moments, the one's we like to call Milestones in our little ones lives.

When Bryce smiled at me for the first time (Not wind related) my heart melted inside my chest and I'm so happy because on this particular occasion Robbie and I were together, spending some family time in bed talking to Bryce.

Now he smiles all the time, when I pick him up he gets this big cheek to cheek wide mouth grin because he is happy to see me, happy he is getting picked up, happy because he is safe and warm and soon to be fed. Happy because I smile back.

Gush gee the tears get me all the time hehe!

Another time was his first giggle, it was like some ridiculous time in the morning,(back in the day I might have just been getting into bed, now I'm waking up to feed a little baby!) but it was amazing I kind of whacked Robbie from his slumber but he missed it and it took a long while before Daddy got to hear this joyful laughter.

Now Bryce is finding his voice and he is all goo goo and gaga, happy to have a chat with anyone who will listen. I just love listening to his stories because he talks with his body as well. When he gets one of those happy squeals he shoots up with excitement and his waves his hands up and down.

When he rolled for the first time I didn't think much of it, he was about 7-8 weeks, a friend of mine said that was amazing, so I thought OMG it really was- needless to say I think it was a fluke as he hasn't done it again yet! But still I was like WHOA

Just yesterday Bryce went to his first swimming class, the lady said he might only last 10-15 minutes and have enough, other mum's said he will probably start to cry. But here was my little boy, happy as can be. Enjoying the soothing water, looking at all the mum's and bub's, all the reflections and sights. He was mesmerised by it all! I was so proud of him, I found I was nearly in tears, probably because I was enjoying showing off my champion of a son, or maybe it was because I loved singing the nursery rhymes to him while helping him splish splash around.

Anyway, my point being is you find yourself proud of all sorts of things, big or small, things that others might not think are a big deal but when it's you bub everything is something to be proud off!!

And that's why it got blogged because I'm so proud!

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